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Friday, 19 July 2013


In the light of candle

In the world of candle

There is a ray of hope

In the shedding of tears

In the middle of fears
There is a ray of hope

In the wilting of a flower

In the burning of a tower

There is a ray of hope

In the setting of the sun

In the strength used in a run

There is a ray of hope


No more words to speak,
No more paths to lead,
No more friends to meet,
No more sorrows to weep,
No more blues to reap,

No more heights to reach,
No more promises to keep,
No more words to praise,
No more colours to shade,
No more foes to face,
No more ink to write,
No more dreams to bind,
No more thoughts to create
No more worries to take,

No more moments to spend,
No more blessings to send, 
No more similes to cheer, 
No more people to care, 
No more words to express, 
No more words to nothingness, 
No more laments to endure, 
No more strength to Endeavour, 
No more tunes to sing, 
No more joys to bring, 
No more webs to weave,

No more grief to receive,
No more images to etch,
No more light to fetch,
No more sins to kill,
No more glooms to fill,
No more hope to sow,

No more scenes to draw,
No more hugs to tie,
No more adventures to try,
No more love to give,
No more emotions to feel,
No more time to heal
No more tears to shed...
In the deathbed,
In the deathbed...


Brain wants some creativity

But cells have no activity

Hands want some movement

But work has no amusement

Eyes want some clarity
But there is only ambiguity

Ears want some soft voice

But there is no choice

Lungs want some clean air

But there is no fresh layer

Mind wants some peace
But every vein is cease

Arteries want to pump blood

But heart is frozen so cold

Everything is used and abused

But it is all just observed


You are a flower of my heart.

Healthy, strong, quick and smart

You are born with a sliver spoon
Working hard with bless and boon

Ready to serve your countrymen
Like a flower in natural lightt
Colour and smell with fall delight

Like a star, up in the sky
Shining bright, above and light
Like a glow worm, in the park
Like a beetle, in the park
Busy like a honey bee
Ready to help if need be


It may be a wonderful invention of our times, but sadly, TV has stripped our society or invaluable family bonds and blissful time spent together.

Cable TV has gravely affected our family life in recent years. Husband is glued to news channel, wife does not want to miss a single episode of star plus serial and kids would watch the cartoons for 24 hours a day if not stopped. Worst of all, no dispute among the family members to watch the programs of their interest, as availability of TV sets in not confined to a small number of people.

TV has entered into the bedroom from the TV lounge and there is no social interaction within the family. The kids are the most affected category in this situation. Can we do something about it?
How cam we limit the amount of time spent watching TV?

Make very specific rules regarding when children should not watch television. For example, do not allow TV during break fast, lunch & dinner specially when parents are not around with them.Parents should limit their children's viewing to one or two hours per day at most.

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Sweet Dreams are made of This ......

What you smell as you sleep may influenced your dreams...
Smell the flowers before you go to sleep and you may just end up with rosier dreams. Have a whiff of rotten eggs during the night and your dreams may be unpleasant, so says researcher Dr. Boris from the University Hospital Mannheim in Germany, who exposed sleeping volunteers to rose-versus rotten-eggs, the smells affected the emotions of their dreams.

And if you think smells affect dreams. Wait for the influence of T.V. A UK study reveals that people exposed to black and white film and TV in their youth are more likely to have monochromic dreams throughout their life. Fva music from the University of Dundee tested two age groups half aged over 55 half under 25.

The result? Under 5% of the dreams of the under 25 were in black and white. Watching colour TV in childhood seems to be the reason.


The bulk of the people in our society agree with the fact that smoking is a fashion nowadays. It is perhaps the most common pastime among our youngsters. Smoking usually starts by copying, mimicking or imitating others, but slowly and gradually it become so rigid that one finds it difficult to give up.

The arguments in favour of smoking are few, but unfortunately, it has become one of the necessities of modern life. Doctors say that a single cigarette injects the equal ratio of poison. Smoking is not merely injurious to the smoker but as well as to the persons sitting in the same room with him because of the smoke of that cigarette.

Economically, smoking is wastage of money. Million of rupees are burnt with the puffs of cigarette every year which is really a great loss of a nation's wealth. The most interesting fact is that it is a charm for a romantic delight in striking the match, to light the cigarette and holding it in a soft grasp of two middle fingers. It also, according to some, reminds them of their beloved.

It kills time in waiting and comforts the waiter. Any way, smoking is injurious to health and those who once get addicted to it are shedding tears of blood, but is difficult for them to get rid of it. One must give up smoking with strong determination. Smoking kills a person because it damages lungs. It should not be considered as fashiön.

One can look smart and fashionable with good manners and with a simple life style. In fact, simplicity is the best fashion.


Most of the literary people, especially the students of English literature, think that religion is always at daggers drawn with literature.
They look down upon religion and presume that religion has divided humanity into different groups and categories and brought about division among the people of the world. They assert that literature and poetry can bring the people of the entire world to a single platform. They also argue that it is literature, not religion, that offers the best solution to the problem of humanity, and some of them go a step ahead by saying there is no God.
Here, i would like to give you a strange example of a professor who questioned the authenticity of Ph.D degree of another professor of English simply because the latter used to pray regularly.
Being the student of English literature, i want to try to dispel the misperception about religion nourished and propagated by some of the literary persons.
Religion is the most essential element of human being. In other words, and integral part of the human life. To quote a modern English poet of 20th century, Thomas Stearns Eliot "A man without religion is like a seed upon the air flying hither and thither finding no place for lodgement and germination".

In his poem, "The Hollow Men" he expressed a sincere dissatisfaction with the spiritual slackness of the dead" because of the moral degradation or lack of spiritualism.
Can people, having contradictory view about religion, deny the literary stature of T.S.Eliot? Another great classical poet of "Puritan Age" John Milton asserted the function of poetry as a medium for moral elevation and edification. He, in his famous poem "On and worship but only sees how we endure His mild yoke.

Can people, having contradictory view about religion, deny the literary stature of T.S.Eliot? Another great classical poet of "Puritan Age" John Milton asserted the function of poetry as a medium for moral elevation and edification. He, in his famous poem

John Milton was the son of  well banker & from his inspiration religious thoughts, but could not eliminate the name of John Milton from English literature.

William Wordsworth was a great literary figure of 19th century who asserted that materialism and Industrial revolution took people away from God and religion.
These are the very few examples which testify that literature is never against religion.

Another point that literature brings unity among people of the world. Here, i would like to say that literature is the representation of age and society. No doubt, the message of all literatures is the same and universal, but a literary person can't escape himself from the spirit of his age.

Take the example of Shakespeare; no doubt, he is a universal poet and dramatist. His contribution is independent of time, place and age, but he could not escape his time. There are certain things in his plays which are no longer believed in the modern and scientific age.

For example, people at that time were superstitious. They believed in witches and ghosts. There is nothing in the Holy Quran, even after the lapse of 14th centuries, which is doubted or not applicable. It is the religion "Islam" that can bring unity provided implemented in its letter and spirit.

I do admit that there are some black sheep in every religion who exploit religion are under its guise and earn very name for the religion. They should be subjected to severe criticism rather than condemning religious principles.

What did Chaucer do in the 14th century? He criticized those religious people who deviated from the principles of religion. He never condemned religion. Keep in mind that literature is the creation of man's mind while religions are divine, free from flaws and errors. Man, in a society, wants recognition.

Sometimes desperately wishes to be admired, appreciated, and accepted as a great thinker and intellectual person. Some of the unfortunate adopt the most unwanted way of denouncing God and religion. Writing about Lenin, But when death drew near him, he mumbled to all those gods whom he had repudiated."

Tuesday, 16 July 2013


Polo is a stick and ball game in which the players are mounted on the ponies, polo was first played in Persia, but later on spread to Indo-Pakistan.
Since then this game has become popular in various parts of the world. Currently, Argentina is the leading Polo-playing nation.

Number of Players

Four players in each side
Measurement of ground
Length is 275m or 300 yards and width is 146m or 160 yards.
Polo sticks
No particular length is specified for polo sticks. Players use sticks of the size which suit them.
The Ball
Weight of ball is 41/4 to 43/4 ounces and Diameter is 31/4 inches.
Goal Posts
Height is 10 feet and width is 24 feet.
Duration of Match
Usually the total playing time at a polo match covers 56min, which is divided into eight, seven min periods called chukars.
Three minutes interval is observed between the chukkars but this interval is raised to 5 min after four chukkars (period)
Changing Ends

In a 7-period(chukkars) match the ends are changed after the 4th period whereas in a five period match the ends are changed after the 3rd period.

Result of the Match

In case of a level score at the end of the match the last period is played till a goal is scored. If the fixed time ends in goalless position, the match is continued after 5 minutes interval.


If we look back at the history of language teaching, there have been two ways traditional and modern. Traditional way of language teaching stresses on the structure, actual performance, learning of rules and the explicit discussion of these rules.
If we look back at the history of language teaching, there have been two ways traditional and modern. Traditional way of language teaching stresses on the structure, actual performance, learning of rules and the explicit discussion of these rules.

Modern way of teaching stresses on the spoken language. It deals with the methods which required maximum participation on the part of the learner.
History tells us that the changes of these two approaches have not only been theoretical but also historical.

The Romans provided their sons with Greek tutors and put them into active use, so that they acquire it just like their mother tongue. But when these methods did not satisfy the teachers they changed to what had been before.

Language teaching has always been subject to change but these changes have not been based on any knowledge or scientific research rather it has been the product of fusion. Relevant knowledge about language teaching is needed.

So we can't base language teaching solely on the experience of teachers, because them subjectivity well play a great role. We should base it on objective means of evaluation which is science, here, linguistics helps us.

Language teaching is not a detached subject. It has its connections with other disciplines as well. Linguistics is one of them because it has the same subject matter as language teaching. It has a greater importance.

However, we must be overcautious in relating linguistics with language teaching and for it we have to take these steps:

Linguistics has four basic objectives

a. It studies the human language faculty.
b. It develops theories to explain language behaviour.
c. It provides important data for describing language.
d. It makes a comprehensive description of available language.

If we assess these four activities none of these helps us in language teaching.
Therefore, the language teacher plays an important role. He should select data from other sources or linguistics and this is possible when he knows about linguistics.

2. Linguistics is not the only field that we should rely on. We should consider other disciplines as well.

3. Linguistics has influenced language teaching, but can't be taken as proof that it should influence language teaching.

4. Linguistics does not provide full information about language teaching. It all depends on the competence of the language teacher. Linguistics gives him more knowledge about language teaching by the virtue of which he becomes more grateful teacher.

Language And Thought

It seems evident that there is the closest of relationship between language and thought.
Everyday experience suggests that much of our thinking is facilitated by language. But is there identity Does our language dictate the way in which we are able to think?
Such matters have exercised generations of philosophers, psychologists, and linguists, who have made these apparently straightforward questions more difficult. A simple answer is not certainly possible, but at least we can be clear about the main factors which give rise to these complications.

Kinds of thinking

"thinking" but all of them cannot form a relationship language is involved in our emotional response to some or an unpleasant incident;
We may use language to explain our reaction to others, but the emotion itself is  find it essential to think they 'hear' the music they wish to 'write'. Our every day fantasies, day dreams and other free association can all proceed without language.
The thinking which involves language is of a different kind. This is the thinking which involves reason and takes place when we workout problems, tell stories, plan strategies and so on.

It has been called 'rational', 'directed', 'logical' or 'proportional thinking'. Language seems to be very important for this kind of thinking.
The properties of language such as word order and sentence sequencing constitute the medium in which our connected thought can be represented and organized.

Independence or identity

the question arises in our mind that how close this relationship is between language and thought.

The second hypothesis is that language and thought are identical that it is not possible to engage any rational thinking.

The second hypothesis is that language and thought are identical that it is not possible to engage any rational thinking without  these two positions thought, or thought might be dependent upon language.

The traditional view adopts the first of these: people have thoughts and they put these thoughts into words. This view is well represented in the field of child language acquisition where the child first develops a range of cognitive abilities before the learning of language.

The second possibility has also been widely held; the way people use language dictates the lines along which they can think. This view is also represented in the language encounters with language are the main influence on the way concepts are learned.

A thought possibility which is also widely held these days is that language and thought are inter dependent but this is not to say that they are identical. We need think only of the various kinds of mental operations which we can perform without language, such as recalling a sequence of events.

To see language and thought as interdependent, then, is to recognized that language is the regular part of world, think in order to understand language. It is not a question of one notion taken precedence we are to explain behaviour.

Language may not determine recall things more easily if the things correspond to readily available words or phrases.

If we talk about or explain behaviour, both of these two notions are essential.


The fear of examination makes students work hard and go through all the course of studies as they do not know which question will be set in the examination. But examinations, as they are in practice today, are not without defects. They make students fearful. The fear of examination has given birth to the phrase "Examination Fever".

This fever and examination are closely related to each other. When examination approaches, students have an attack of this fever. Its germs are not yet found. It is thought by the intellectuals that this fever is a kind of allergy which, during exams, is stimulated and hence all the students fall victim to it.

The scientists and doctors have diagnosed all types of fevers except the periodically occurring, "Examination fever". This type is not yet fully understood, but careful observations have shown some of its features. It is a seasonal disease and attacks one to three times a year only before and during the examination.

It spreads like an epidemic and students fall prey to it. Even the scholarly types of students do not remain unaffected. Every boy or girl, without exception of age, has fear of exams. Some scientists and doctors after thorough investigations have found some of the signs and symptoms.

The patient (student attacked by it ) becomes very weak and pale, and is easily irritated and remains in state of confusion and tension. He has some germs of disease "bookworm" in which the victims only reads books all day and night and still remains unsatisfied, because he thinks that he is not well prepared.
As the examination comes nearer and nearer the following signs and symptoms can be observed clearly in him. Examination fever increases few degrees higher and increases the agony more when one thinks about unfair means in the examination.

The darkest side of the picture is that no medicine is effective for this disease. It is believed that the germs of examination fever are very difficult to detect, and discovery of such medicines to get rid of it is still a fantasy. Recovery is possible only when the victim is given long doses of recreational tonic.

The patient is advised to rest and to be regular in taking the tonic recommended for early recovery. Psychological tests should be introduced, and questions set in the examination should test the power of comprehension, grasp, skills and intelligence of students, not his cramming ability and amount of knowledge he has temporarily stuffed in his brain. This is the only prescription that would abolish the term "Examination fever" from the students dictionary.


Ecosystem is the interaction of all living and nonliving things. Now the question is how energy flows across it and from where it comes because we know that all living organisms need energy to live and to survive. The ultimate source of energy is the sun.

This energy is first absorbed by the green color pigment called chlorophyll of the green plant. And by the process of photosynthesis that energy is used in the formation of food. Some of it is utilized by the plants themselves and some go to the animals called herbivores after eating green plants.

Through the process of respiration food got by herbivores is broken down and during this break down energy is released which is utilized by them for various activities of life. Herbivores are then eaten by flesh eating animals called carnivores and in this way some of the energy goes to carnivores.

Through the process of respiration food got by herbivores is broken down and during this break down energy is released which is utilized by them for various activities of life. Herbivores are then eaten by flesh eating animals called carnivores and in this way some of the energy goes to carnivores.

There is third category of animals called top-carnivores. Top carnivores gain energy by eating carnivores. And at last the dead bodies of the top carnivore are eaten by fungi and bacteria, so in this way energy is again released to to eco system. During this flow of energy at every step the amount of energy decreases because some of the energy is wasted as heat.