It may be a wonderful invention of our times, but sadly, TV has stripped our society or invaluable family bonds and blissful time spent together.
Cable TV has gravely affected our family life in recent years. Husband is glued to news channel, wife does not want to miss a single episode of star plus serial and kids would watch the cartoons for 24 hours a day if not stopped. Worst of all, no dispute among the family members to watch the programs of their interest, as availability of TV sets in not confined to a small number of people.
TV has entered into the bedroom from the TV lounge and there is no social interaction within the family. The kids are the most affected category in this situation. Can we do something about it?
How cam we limit the amount of time spent watching TV?
How cam we limit the amount of time spent watching TV?
Make very specific rules regarding when children should not watch television. For example, do not allow TV during break fast, lunch & dinner specially when parents are not around with them.Parents should limit their children's viewing to one or two hours per day at most.