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Tuesday, 16 July 2013


For many realistic and materialistic people, dreams are just meaningless images and for some people they are a useless recycling of past day's events. But for me, and I hope, for many other sensitive people, dreams are everything. They are not only what we experience during hours of sleep. Dreams are the pathways that lead us towards our goals.Day-dreaming is often a disregarded and neglected aspect of dreams because they are often looked down as "Wondering Thoughts". But actually the contend of your day dreams also help you in understanding your true feelings. Actually, In my opinion, worrying over things can also be classified as a form of day dreaming.
When we worry about things, we visualize unwanted, negative or pessimistic outcome of a situation. And by repeating these visualizations in mind again and again, we are more likely to make them happen.So, positive day dreaming is a healthy one, and I must say, it is essential to make your dreams come true and to achieve your goals. Wright brothers first dreamt of making Aero plane.
Dreams can surely come true, if we stop, and take time to think about what we truly want in life. We should choose our goals carefully and once chosen, we should honestly try to achieve them.
As, a famous American Poetess, Sozan Polis wrote:"Create your own dreams and follow them until they become a reality." 

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