Life is an uphill journey, and at the top rests glory. Therefore one must climb with great passion to embark that beautiful destination. Men slip and fall. But the determination keeps them going and they make it to the very summit. Man’s reach should exceed his grasp! Or what’s heaven for? He, who used to hold horses for gentlemen going to the theater, by the dint of firm resolve, became the mighty Shakespeare! The humble Corsican boy who struggled single-handedly at the last became the great Napoleon….the terror of all Europe! The grand scientist Faraday was an unknown poor clerk before he astonished the world by his epoch-making discoveries. Thus whoever rose to height, rose through steady perseverance; no extraordinary merit, no super human power. All what’s required is to realize one’s potential, one’s ambition and to go on achieving that no matter what stands in the way!
Victory cannot be a gift. It is fruit that must be earned it can be enjoyed. The birds who chirp, the bees who build the hive, the insects that crawl on the earth have their own woeful tale to tell, only if there are men to listen!