♦ 80% of people keep their feelings to themselves because they believe it's hard for others to understand their pain.
♦ To ch0ose a right b0ok is much m0re difficult than to ch0ose a right life partner.
♦ "Always remember GOD is always at your side''.
♦ No teacher,professor or anyone else but a hungry stomach,empty pocket and a broken heart can teach the most important lessons in life.
♦ Its not about perfect its about living ur life and doing the best u can .
♦ If u can't help people at least dn't hurt them.
♦Don't be afraid of good bye. We may lose something good , but we might also gain some thing better.
♦ The reality of life
This temporary life
deserve not our conflict and our competition for it.
♦ And do not walk upon
the earth exultantly. Indeed, you will never tear the earth [apart], and you
will never reach the mountains in height.
Surat Al-'Isrā'
(The Night Journey)
♦ When you are thankful for what you have ,
You are always rewarded with more .
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