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Sunday 29 December 2013


         I have visited many countries and many beautiful places met my eyes and are worth visiting again. People go to different places to find inner tranquility and have peace. Nature attracts our senses and we look for every thing that is beautiful

        The place I visited again and again the one and only one in the world was my dearest mother’s lap. I always felt all the comforts of life there. Whenever I was in my mother’s lap I had no worries and I felt I was the happiest and richest person in the entire world. We used to be one and that was the joyous moment that I ever had in my life. I could explain my entire self freely with her. I could never hold back any thing from her. When she was with me I talked about different things, I would ask questions and she caressing me gave very wise suggestions and replies which were a food for my thoughts. She taught me about moral values, considerations, charity kindness, love, dignity, self-respect, respect for others and scores of advice and I used to feel rich. I can still feel her warm-breath, her presence, her fragrance. Her lap was like a fairy-land where I felt light and as happy as a fairy where I could soar and imagine beautiful things. It used to be a heavenly world packed with tranquility bliss and I could feel the overpowering spell of her lap.

          When I was a little girl I had no idea what the make of a mother is but I know one thing that my mother’s lap was always a special place for me. I was sure that she had come from heaven with all the purity and beauty to shower her blessings and love on me.

        I become tearful when I think of how much she had done for me. Whenever I get struck up or down in the dumps, I begin to feel her presence around me and I feel myself in her lap and her presence pushes me back to my life and cheers me up and my eyes and mind are enlightened. She was a source of inspiration when she was alive, still is and would be as long as I live, May her soul rest in peace. (Ameen)

        A mother is the most precious treasure in the entire universe, value them and love them because how good it feels to have them around, how comforting their words are and how satisfactory is the very thought that they exist:

Children do not realise this I am telling you that:

Mothers are truly precious and valuable.

This poem is for only my mother.

         What a pleasure, what a balm, what an antidote.

She is a priceless gift for me

A bank where I empty my worries

A river drowning the pain of tears

A warm sun, giving smiles, and confidence

An umbrella protecting from the lashing winds

My life, my love, my only one

My mother, my mother and only my mother

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