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Friday 27 December 2013


               When friends get together, they talk endlessly. The topics range from the latest fashion to politics, the do’s or don’ts of conduct, good behavior etc.
              What is disregarded is the fact that we should be careful in the use of our gifts and faculties. The tongue and the ears have to be utilized with utmost care. We have to be answerable for how we use our faculties.
           Gossip, loose talk, talking without time and reason, slandering or castigating or assassinating someone’s character is forbidden especially when that someone is not present in the company of friends.
          It so happened that me and my friends, all sensible and educated were passing verdict on our friend Fauzia. Raheela said that she is arrogant and rude, Nida retorted she is characterless, having cheap mentality.
         Our religion forbids such behavior. I could not help thinking, is this what our religion teaches us? If not, then why do we pass comments on the character of a person who is a friend? I hope you understand what I am to convey. Decisions are made, judgments are passed when both parties are present. Why they were speaking against their friend who was absent, they were speechless.
        This is what most of us do whenever we have the time. Nobody has the right and the authority to discuss the flaws, foibles and weaknesses of others as nobody is perfect. But we do indulge in this sinful practice just for the sake of fun and killing time, not knowing that this fun is in fact like eating the flesh of one’s loved one.
       Doesn’t it sound horrible, so why not make a vow that God help us follow the right path, Ameen.

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