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Friday 27 December 2013


I had always thought that gifts strengthen the bonds of true relationship. Many a times I have witnessed a gift packed in a wrapping of purity, grace. An occasion reflecting effulgence of harmony, honesty and love. A gift always reveals the personality, the taste and the love of the giver and it speaks volumes about whom the gift is to be presented. The color of the wrapper, the way the gift is packed and the stuff that is wrapped is a declaration of the depth of one’s character. At the same time, the way the gift is opened and is regarded unravels the personality of the receiver of the gift.
      In the past, gifts perfumed the role of adding strength to the bond of love. It was a balm for the injured hearts, a thing of joy on important memorable events. But lo! It has turned into an obstacle in the way of sincere feelings and true relationships. Exchange of gifts on important occasions was a tradition and it is still a tradition but the practice that was always a priceless convention is now a symbol of snobbery, pretence and a hollow show of feelings. Gifts are appreciated on the basis of their price and worth. Something that reflected the depth of feelings is now weighted in the scale of interest and return. There was a time when gifts used to welcome an occasion but one feels embarrassed to acknowledge the truth that now occasions are anticipated for the gifts. It is really disgraceful how people measure the worth of a man through his gift, what does it mean if we did for the moon, it’s just bidding one’s worth and nothing else.
The irony is that some self imposed traditions are killing the actual spirit of gifts.
Suppose I want to meet my relative I cannot just go and knock at the door. No it’s not that easy. I will have to ponder what to take with me. Then for this I will have to travel down the memory lane to find what that person had given to me when he visited me. Then there Is a comparison regarding the worth of the gift. I have to spend many a sleepless nights and days to pay the price for meeting my own blood relation.
          I flatly refuse to follow the mob mentality. I cannot call these give and take things as gifts and insist on doing away with this knavery because this type of gifts will never serve as a connecting bond but will rather act as a means of separation, so keep your eyes and hearts open.

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